You must understand that there were different Christian faiths (actually Jewish sects) in the early centuries. So the Bible reflects different stories from Paul, Peter and others.
It seems some Christians did indeed cut themselves off from the world in order to wait for the end of the world to come (basically a doomsday cult version). They seemed to have all died off (for obvious reasons).
I don't have a problem with people choosing to cut themselves off from the world for religious reasons, there may be legitimate reasons to do this (eg. people with feelings of pedophilia or people with PTSD) and may even be beneficial (becoming deeply learned and being able to share that wisdom with the community). To say you are required to live your life like that is an entirely different thing.
The Christians living in a commune thing is highly unlikely, some people have brought that up, but the reason Ananias and Sapphira were killed in the story, is because they lied and bragged about their donating all their possession when in reality they kept some for themselves (more of an OT punishment, fitting to some Christians that still believed in the strict Deuteronomical law).
The idea of an intentional communal living situation with its own religious and legal system for a permanent system (not to wait for the 'end to come'), did not exist until it was dangerous and full enough in places like Europe for some people to want to exit 'society' into the recently discovered lands like the Americas. This was a way of both political and religious thinking through the Victorian period that culminated in Engels and Marx.